There’s no rush, but when you are ready to access the Scrivener course, complete this application form.
It will give you free membership of RedPen. So, you will have access to the 14-day Scrivener course, plus the other benefits of belonging to RedPen:
Your email address will be your ‘user ID’, but you won’t receive any emails about the latest ScrivenerVirgin blogposts (unless you ask for them) or my infrequent newsletters (unless you ask for them!).
This course is designed to be taken on 14 consecutive days, spending about 30-60 minutes each day.
I have broken the learning down so you don’t have to try to absorb too much on any one day. And there is variety: something to watch, something to read and something to do.
You could spend longer, if you have time, but don’t go over 90 minutes – it’s difficult to absorb new concepts if you’re flagging.
The lessons are ‘released’ daily to encourage you not to race through the course. Slow but sure; that’s the name of the game.
However, you can stretch the course schedule to suit your own work/life commitments. You can also return to it at a later date and redo the lessons, if you wish.
This Scrivener course is based on these free resources:
Make the most of these free resources and enjoy your Scrivener journey.
Do you have to complete within 14 days?
No. You are welcome to take this course at any time. And to take as long as you need on each lesson. Feel free to spend longer than 30 minutes on a given day, and/or to stretch the course over a longer period if that suits you better.
If you have any problems or questions you need to ask, complete this questionnaire, and book a Simply Scrivener Special.
The ScrivenerVirgin blog is a journey of discovery:
a step-by-step exploration of how Scrivener can change how a writer writes.
To subscribe to this blog, click here.
Also … check out the Scrivener Tips
on my ScrivenerVirgin Facebook page.