Scrivener: Second time around
I’m delighted to have as my guest today my friend, Dee (AKA Donna D Vaal), the author of The Living Miracle – A Love Story.
One of the early followers of this blog and also subscribes to my (free) Red Pen newsletter.
When I saw that her novel had been published by Barnes & Noble, I had to ask the obvious question:
Did you use Scrivener for ‘The Living Miracle – A Love Story’?
Dee replied: No, as I didn’t learn about Scrivener until after this one was finished. I am currently writing another novel in Scrivener – and love it!
What’s the new novel about?
It’s another love story – but I’ve not given it a name as yet. I’ll let you know …
So why Scrivener: second time around?
For my first novel, The Living Miracle – A Love Story, I used Microsoft Word and would have several files open, making each window small and inconvenient. I needed an easier method.
Spent a lot of time researching programs – and I honestly can’t remember which programs I looked at before purchasing Scrivener. I do remember it came down to a choice of two, so I did some research to see what other people said about both programs. Both of them were written about, positively.
In the end, I chose Scrivener. I’m glad I did. I love it!
What works well for you as a novelist?
Scrivener works well for me, and being able to bounce between chapters without creating a ‘find’ or scrolling has made this writing experience simplified, compared with when I wrote my current published novel.
What do you like most about Scrivener?
I like the option of finding help from others, easily. For instance, I am always learning more ways to make my writing life easier through sites like your scrivenervirgin.com!
And your final word on Scrivener?
I highly recommend Scrivener for any writer, for its simplicity, detail, complexity and as a developing tool for final release.
I recommend Scrivener software too, and Dee’s novel, The Living Miracle – A Love Story, which is available on Amazon and Barnes & Nobles.
For more information about Donna, check out her website and blog. You can also find her on Facebook, as Donna D Vaal on Pinterest, #dvaal1 on Twitter and Donna D. Vaal or Dee Vaal on LinkedIn.
If you write using Scrivener and would like to have a guest blog, contact me!
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