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I'm delighted to have as my guest today my friend, Dee (AKA Donna D Vaal), the author of The Living Miracle - A Love Story. Dee One of the early followers of this blog and also subscribes to my (free) Red Pen newsletter. When I saw that her novel had been published by Barnes & Noble, I had to ask the obvious question: Did you use Scrivener for 'The Living Miracle - A Love...

I'm delighted to announce, starting on Monday 25 April, I will be hosting a series of free monthly online training webinars. We kick off at noon BST and, in the 60 minutes that follow, I'll be providing a live presentation of features of Scrivener, supplementing this ScrivenerVirgin blog series. It's an AMA session - ask me anything - so come along with your questions ready to copy and paste into the Q&A...

In Joseph Michael's free video series of Scrivener Secrets, his third video on publishing and exporting Secrets explains how to print, compile, share and export your work. Scrivener covers all angles The choice of templates provides for every eventuality: fiction, non-fiction, scriptwriting, etc. If you choose fiction, which is where I usually start, then all the 'normal' pages for the front matter are set up for you within the binder. All you have to do is fill...

On 6 April, my blog post Learn Scrivener Fast urged you to take up the offer of free video training, courtesy of Joseph Michael. Joe's second video,  Organising Your Writing For Complete Control explains how the Corkboard can give you an overview of your novel. The corkboard: revealing your novel's structure I enjoyed Joe's video, but the benefits of the corkboard feature were not news to me. I blogged about this last Autumn when...

In my last blog post, I recommended you take up the offer of free video training courtesy of Joseph Michael. I'm hoping you've had time to look at Video 1: Setting up Scrivener for Your Success. One thing that crossed my mind was that, while Joseph explained what the Binder is all about, the editing space was blank. Joseph imported a file that had already been written - easy! But what if...

Some folks don't sign up for courses. They tell me the price is too high. What about a zero-cost course? All you put in is your time. Twenty minutes of your time - watching a video. Don't miss this! Joseph Michael, the Scrivener Coach, has published a three-part video series, to take you step-by-step through some of Scrivener's amazing secrets. Setting up Scrivener for your success Organizing your writing for complete control How to print,...

For the uninitiated, CAMP NANOWRIMO is 30 days of writing, just like NaNoWriMo, except it's in April, and - as the name suggests -  this challenge involves escaping real life, holding yourself up in an internet-based cabin with other 'mad' writers with the express aim of completing a writing project. You don't have to write a novel. Or conjure up 50K words. You set your own goals, track your own progress and, in the process,...

I'm delighted to have as my guest today, Alinka Rutkowska, a fellow Wrimo and a huge Scrivener fan. Alinka's first novel, published under her pen name, Ally Capraro, is due out a week today, on 29 March! How important is Scrivener for you, Alinka? I couldn't have written my novel without Scrivener. I'm a children's author, I mean, I used to be, until I started dreaming of writing a novel. And when I...

On my new Recommendations page, I recommend - inter alia! - Joan Dempsey and her various courses for writers, having attended her Revise with Confidence course and being mightily impressed with her material and style of delivery. Joan also publishes a free monthly newsletter to which I subscribe. The March issue included an interesting - and new to me - editing tip: use a different font so as to shift your...