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This is the fifth of several blog posts which focus on Document Variables. Here's a reminder of the previous four: Placeholders: Introduction to Document Variables considered the extent of these placeholders and provided an introduction to this topic. Placeholders: Title as a Document Variable looked at Title and ParentTitle. Placeholders: Label, Status, Keywords and Synopsis explained these four most important meta data items and how to include them in a...

This is the fourth of several blog posts which focus on Document Variables. In the previous three: Placeholders: Introduction to Document Variables considered the extent of these placeholders and provided an introduction to this topic Placeholders: Title as a Document Variable looked at Title and ParentTitle Placeholders: Label, Status, Keywords and Synopsis explained these four most important meta data items and how to include them in a compile ...

This is the third of several blog posts which focus on Document Variables. Placeholders: Introduction to Document Variables considered the extent of these placeholders and provided an introduction to this topic. Placeholders: Title as a Document Variable looked at Title and ParentTitle. This blog post focuses on four items of metadata. Label Status Keywords Synopsis What is metadata? Metadata is 'data about data'. In the case of a novel, it's anything you might...

This series of blog posts focuses on Document Variables as introduced in the previous post. Reminder: What are document variables? For any document, there are a number of items of data (called metadata) which relate to that specific document - as opposed to any other document. Title: Document title and Parent title Next most important examples of metadata: Label, Status, Keywords and Synopsis Counts etc: LineCount, SubDocCount and DescendantCount, DocTarget and Revision Date/Time...

This post brings the Auto-numbering series to a close! To recap, there have been three posts to date: The simplest options, plus subnumbering and numbering by page, in Placeholders: Autonumbering Restarting numbering, using and restarting named auto-numbering streams, and compound placeholders Placeholders: More on autonumbering And, hierarchical autonumbering. Last but not least, we'll look at making placeholders more readable, and this leads us neatly to the need to consider to Document...

Autonumbering is a big topic. We already covered a lot in the previous two posts: The simplest options, plus subnumbering and numbering by page, in Placeholders: Autonumbering Restarting numbering, using and restarting named auto-numbering streams, and compound placeholders Placeholders: More on autonumbering But, there are two more aspects to consider: Hierarchical numbering Making placeholders more readable Both are also big topics, so here's my take on the first one. Hierarchical numbering The entry in...

In the previous post, I covered the straightforward auto-numbering placeholders. Now, we'll dig deeper. Restarting numbering Using and restarting named auto-numbering streams Compound placeholders Restarting numbering streams Every time Scrivener meets a placeholder like <$n>, it increments the number - and hence we have autonumbering. When does this stop? It doesn't ...

Scrivener can count for you. I've blogged about this before as evidenced in my Index of Scrivener posts. When you click Help and select List of Placeholders, 17 placeholders are listed under Auto-numbering. In this post, I'll cover the simplest group: those listed first. Then, in the next post, we'll go deeper: Hierarchical numbering Restarting numbering Using and restarting named auto-numbering streams Compound placeholders Making placeholders more readable I already explained how...