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Let’s start at the very beginning: setting up a new project file on Scrivener and deciding what our novel is about. Setting up a new project file In this one file, everything that you need to write your NANO novel can be collected ahead of 1 November. You won’t write a single word of your manuscript until NANO officially starts, but you’ll have everything at your fingertips when the whistle blows at...

Today’s blog post is the first of a series for those who might decide to use Scrivener for NaNoWriMo 2016. (NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and that's November - the month I set aside each year to write, write, write.) Why use Scrivener for NaNoWriMo 2016? Mainly, I use Scrivener because it makes me feel I am in control. Scrivener lets me see my novel from the top down, from the bottom...

The next 8 weeks will fly by, so - if you are keen to use Scrivener for NANO 2016 - now is the time to start learning how. What is NANO? NANO, short of NaNoWriMo, is the  National Novel Writers Month. Writers all over the world spend the 30 days of November writing the first 50K words of their novel. The NaNoWriMo website opens its doors in October and then the fun starts....

For the uninitiated, CAMP NANOWRIMO is 30 days of writing, just like NaNoWriMo, except it's in April, and - as the name suggests -  this challenge involves escaping real life, holding yourself up in an internet-based cabin with other 'mad' writers with the express aim of completing a writing project. You don't have to write a novel. Or conjure up 50K words. You set your own goals, track your own progress and, in the process,...

There were several occasions during the first 40K of NANO when I invited my main character to 'walk this way'. Instead of populating the outline I had so carefully prepared ahead of time, she was determined to tread her own path. Was I relieved when the name of Ballycombe-by-the-Sea at last crossed her lips? Keeping track of the revised storyline might have been a nightmare in Word - been there before, got the...

The morning after the night before! Congratulations to everyone who validated their NANO 2015 novel before the deadline at midnight last night. Congratulations to everyone who took part. Even if you didn't write 50,000 words, you wrote words - and that means you have the beginnings of a first draft. Today, I'm hosting three TGIO (Thank God It's Over) webinars: 2pm, 6pm and 9.30pm. On the agenda: Celebration time What to...

As I typed the final few words, closing in on my 50K target, a sadness came across me. NANO2015 would soon be over; but then ...

Faced with the prospect of editing five NANO novel drafts, all written in Word, all in various states of chaos, I found myself pushed towards adopting a better, more organised approach this year, using Scrivener. This time, the planner in me was determined to have an outline in place before I started. And she did. But the pantser in me, who lets my characters have free rein, has been having fun,...

Where does the time go? Two weeks have flown by and tomorrow is the halfway mark for NaNoWriMo: 25K words! If you are struggling, I recommend you visit the NANO site and watch a pep talk. I particularly liked Neil Gaiman's which dates back to 2007, gave me inspiration then and still does the job now. Plus, you could attend one of my free MIDWAY webinars tomorrow, Sunday 15 November. There are three-time...