Simply Scrivener Special TODAY
In less than an hour, I’ll be hosting another Simply Scrivener Special webinar.
What’s on the Simply Scrivener Special agenda?
As well as whatever questions you ask, I’m keen to tell you about a Scrivener Guide, available free, all about compiling – and formatting.
I’m near to completing a book – all about Red Pen Editing. I’ve used Scrivener, of course, for the writing – and I’ve been learning loads about compiling. My plan was to write you a series of blog posts all about the intricacies of compiling – so you wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel.
No need to re-invent the wheel!
But, only this past week, I was recommended to follow a link to AuthorStrong, a new website set up by Mat Morris and Nancy Elliott. Mat has written a guide already – and it’s available free as a download (in return for your email address!).
I’ve worked my way through Mat’s guide. It provides step-by-step advice on formatting and compiling. So, not only do you not need to reinvent that wheel – I’m not going to write such a comprehensive guide, either.
Instead, I’ll be focusing on specific topics – the ones that you raise in the Simply Scrivener Special webinars.
Meanwhile: I recommend you go to AuthorStrong and download Mat’s book for yourself.
So, what are we discussing in today’s Simply Scrivener Special?
I’ll be working through topics chosen via the SurveyMonkey questionnaire, and talking about Mat’s guide, plus anything else that crops up in our discussion.
It’s not too late to register!
If you want to attend, register here, and complete the survey here.
If you can’t attend but would like to watch the recording, register anyway. I’ll be sending a link to all those who registered in a day or two.
Learn Scrivener Fast
If you are keen to follow an online course, the best teacher is the Scrivener Coach: Joseph Michael. I took his course way back, and always catch his videos when he’s providing training via other experts. Always more to learn!
I recommend you sign up for his excellent course.
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a step-by-step exploration of how Scrivener can change how a writer writes.
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