Self-publishing: The first steps
I blog mostly about using Scrivener, but – let’s be honest – as writers, our end goal is publication and, for many nowadays, that means self-publishing.
Although I’ve had many books published via the traditional route – you can check this out on LinkedIn – in September 2016, I self-published my EDITING The RedPen Way: 10 steps to successful self-editing.
How did I do it? Read on!
My first steps on the route to self-publishing
I knew nothing about self-publishing, so I joined the Self-Publishing School in June 2016 and embarked on their 90-day challenge. Chandler Bolt and his team, plus all the other authors in the Mastermind group provided the perfect environment to move from blank page to published book.
It was not an ‘easy’ ride. There is a lot to learn. But, Chandler’s week-by-week schedule, supported with training videos and checklists, means even complete beginners can achieve their dream of publishing their book within the 90 days. And the weekly online hangouts, even though they are scheduled for 2 am UK time, provide the perfect place for having even the silliest question answered.
Would self-publishing suit you?
I can’t tell, but, if you have a book you want to put out there, I recommend you give it a try.
Right now, Chandler is opening the doors to Self-Publishing School with a special offer: a free copy of his book Published: The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author. It’s currently selling at £3.15 on Amazon, but you can get it free by clicking this link.
You’ll need to part with your email address but, if you subsequently decide that self-publishing and/or SPS is not for you, you can unsubscribe to future emailings from SPS.
Would the Self-Publishing School suit you?
I can’t tell, but, it did me, and it also suited Vee Freir.
On 6 June 2016, I interviewed Vee and we discussed how, through the Self-Publishing School course, she published her book Learn to Stress Less within the 90-day target period. Vee talked about how useful the support and systematic approach was, and how she found her accountability buddy. Our discussion convinced me it was the time I took the first steps towards self-publishing.
To listen to the recording of my interview with Vee, click here. Or let Chandler explain for himself what it involves. Watch his video.
See you on the other side?
If you decide to join the Self-Publishing School – and I hope you do – you’ll find I’m very much active within the Mastermind group. That’s because I’m planning to publish three more Kindle titles, and then a paperback, during 2o17.
Within that Mastermind group, I support other writers on their self-publishing journey, not least by offering them guest blogs on this site – if they use Scrivener to write their book, and only if I’ve read and reviewed their book and can recommend it to my audience here on the ScrivenerVirgin blog.
This post is the first of a series that will examine how an author can self-publish their book. If you have any questions about self-publishing, please comment below, or contact me personally via email or Facebook.
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