Guest post: Alinka Rutowska
Today’s guest is Alinka Rutkowska, fellow Wrimo and Scrivener fan.
Back in March 2016, Alinka shared how she uses Scrivener in her writing. Since then, she and I have been talking and finding that we have much in common.
We’re learning all the time, and we make mistakes along the way. We both want to share what we’ve discovered, to help other writers enjoy the same success we’ve had, without the setbacks.
We agree: it’s not enough to write a masterpiece. That won’t guarantee sales. Authors need a platform. We need an audience. To enjoy success – ie an income from sales – we need a publishing strategy that works.
That’s why, today, I’ve asked Alinka to tell us about her upcoming 5-Figure Author Challenge summit and her amazing online course: Author Remake.
What’s a summit? Click here.
First, Alinka, tell me about your 5-Figure Author Challenge summit.
Thanks, Anne. I’m sure your readers can relate that attending courses can cut into our valuable writing time, but summits are different. That’s because they’re concentrated over a short period, and you learn from world’s top experts. You can see who you resonate with and then follow up with THEM if you want to learn more on their particular subject of expertise.
That’s why I decided to set up my own summit, covering the whole journey for an author: writing, marketing, and sales.
It starts on Wednesday 15 March and runs through until Sunday 19 March. 5 days of training. 15 best-selling authors willing to share their success stories.
Is the 5-figure Author Challenge summit free?
Of course! Book your seat here.
Second, tell us about your Author Remake course
It’s a sad fact that 80% of books published this year won’t earn enough to cover their publishing costs.
That’s not because their books are poorly written, or their timing to market was wrong, or even because there are too many books out there. No, it’s because authors fall at one or more hurdles to attract attention, to establish their ‘brand’, to be visible in the market place.
Taking your idea and turning it into a published product is a challenge in itself. But then, there are so many other details to consider, and so many mistakes you can make along the way.
What’s covered in the Author Remake course?
Everything an author needs to know to become successful in the marketplace. Things like ‘building your platform’, with ‘reader magnets’ and ‘landing pages’.
We look at designing a cover that sells your book, and the various publishing options: e-books, paperbacks, audio books. Plus a whole load more.
At every stage, I show what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t. So authors can have as smooth a ride as possible.
It’s also the only course in the world that gives you a triple guarantee, one of the three being a guarantee that you will become a best-selling author!
And where did Scrivener fit in?
Scrivener makes it all possible! If you want to become a best-selling author, first you need a book to sell. And Scrivener is the BEST tool I’ve used so far to create those books!
More about Alinka
Alinka was my guest in March 2016, when her first novel, The Descendant, was published under her pen name, Ally Capraro.
She is a multi-award-winning and #1 internationally bestselling author and coach. She is the CEO of LibraryBub – the first service, which connects indie authors with libraries. She’s been featured on Fox Business Network, Author Marketing Club, The Author Hangout, Examiner, She Knows, She Writes, Blog Talk Radio, The Writer’s Life and much more.
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