Taking the plunge: 14-day Scrivener course
FREE 14-day Scrivener course
While the sun is shining and the kids are on their school holidays, thoughts drift to taking the plunge.
- The local swimming pool.
- A dip in the sea.
- Starting to learn how to use Scrivener?
Learn how to use Scrivener in just fourteen days!
Starting TODAY, set aside 30-60 mins a day and, by 1 September, you’ll be using Scrivener with confidence.
And after that …
- During September, you can refine some of your skills.
- In October, you’ll put it to use, creating the outline for your next NaNo novel
- In November, you’ll be writing that novel using Scrivener.
I’ve devised a 14-day Scrivener course which you are welcome to take at any time, or stretch over a longer period if that suits you better.
How much does the course cost?
This Scrivener course costs nothing, apart from your time.
You’ll be using these free resources:
Literature & Latte video tutorials
Literature and Latte provide video tutorials that last from 2 minutes to 10 minutes, each one covering a particular aspects of Scrivener. These are available – for free – on their website. You can also access these video tutorials via the Help menu in Scrivener.
During the 14 days, you’ll watch many of these.- ScrivenerVirgin blog posts
My blog shares my Scrivener journey. As I embraced each new Scrivener feature, I shared my progress via the blog. This resource now has hundreds of posts, and you’ll be reading some of these in the next fortnight. (To see the index of posts, click here.) - Simply Scrivener Specials
When you need a one-on-one session so I can answer your questions, book a Simply Scrivener Special.
Ready to start your 14-day course?
There’s no rush, but when you are ready to access the Scrivener course, complete this application form. It will give you free membership of RedPen.
So, you will have access to the 14-day Scrivener course, plus the other benefits of belonging to RedPen:
- Access to past recordings of Simply Scrivener Special webinars, dating back to January 2018
- A 5-day self-editing course (not compulsory!)
Your email address will be your ‘user ID’, but you won’t receive any emails about the latest ScrivenerVirgin blogposts (unless you ask for them) or my infrequent newsletters (unless you ask for them!).
Questions? Need a helping hand? Want a demo?
To watch me using Scrivener or to ask any questions, book a Simply Scrivener Special.
To help me to prepare, you could also complete this short questionnaire.
The ScrivenerVirgin blog is a journey of discovery:
a step-by-step exploration of how Scrivener can change how a writer writes.
To subscribe to this blog, click here.
To see the index of posts, click here.
Also … check out the Scrivener Tips
on my ScrivenerVirgin Facebook page.
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