Scrivener 3 for Windows users
Literature & Latte released Scrivener 3 for Windows just over a month ago on 20 March 2021.
PC users have been waiting for what seems like forever, and some have been brave enough to use the beta versions. Now, whatever version of Scrivener you’ve been using, it’s time to upgrade and embrace all that Scrivener 3 has to offer.
In this blog, I’ve collated Windows support that is available from Literature & Latte and also from the experts in the field.
That doesn’t include me! I’m on a Mac. But Windows users are welcome to attend my Simply Scrivener Specials, and to take my free 14-day course. My course points you to the L&L Mac videos but, as more become available for Windows (see the list below), you can check them out instead. Meanwhile, I do my best to provide generic solutions to problems, rather than platform specific answers.
Video training available from Literature & Latte
It’s early days, but there are now quite a few videos available on the Literature & Latte site. (List correct as at 26 April 2021.)
- GETTING STARTED: Scrivener’s Core Concepts
- GETTING STARTED: An Introduction to Scrivener
- GETTING STARTED: Finding Your Way Around
- GETTING STARTED: Mastering Scrivener’s View Modes
- THE BINDER: The Heart of Any Project
- THE BINDER: Getting Oriented in the Binder
- ORGANISING YOUR PROJECT: Using Folders and Text Documents Effectively
- ORGANISING YOUR PROJECT: Using Custom Icons To Make Documents Stand Out
- ORGANISING YOUR PROJECT: Working With Document Templates
- ORGANISING YOUR PROJECT: Tailor Projects Using Custom Metadata
- ORGANISING YOUR PROJECT: Tagging Documents with Keywords
- ORGANISING YOUR PROJECT: Working with Project Templates
- OUTLINING AND STRUCTURING: Get to Know the Corkboard
- OUTLINING AND STRUCTURING: Get to Know the Outliner
- OUTLINING AND STRUCTURING: Getting an Overview with Synopses
- OUTLINING AND STRUCTURING: Freestyle with Freeform Mode on the Corkboard
- OUTLINING AND STRUCTURING: Tracking Threads on the Corkboard
- WRITING: Generating Character Names
- FINDING WHAT YOU’VE WRITTEN: Searching for Documents and Text
- FINDING WHAT YOU’VE WRITTEN: Finding Your Words with Quick Search
- USEFUL TIPS: Backing Up Your Work
- USEFUL TIPS: Customising Scrivener
Each video is short and concise. I thoroughly recommend you watch them!
Literature & Latte’s Scrivener User Manual
Reading the manual might not be the best way to learn … but the User Manual is available via the Help button and you can also download it from the Literature & Latte site.
Updating from Scrivener 1?
Owners of Scrivener 1 can upgrade with a discounted price. Full details are provided here.
Literature & Latte have also provided an Upgrade Guide for Scrivener 1 users.
It’s a project which you can download, open in Scrivener 3, and which then walks you through the features. Full details are available here.
Windows support from expert Gwen Hernandez
Gwen Hernandez wrote Scrivener for Dummies and, since 2010, has been helping thousands of people all over the world to learn to love Scrivener through online courses, one-on-training and in-person workshops.
I’ve taken many of Gwen’s courses and can recommend her to you.
To celebrate the launch of Scrivener 3 for Windows, Gwen has produced a special free class for PC users upgrading from Scrivener 1 to the new Scrivener 3.
This course covers five topics:
Things to Know Before You Start
- Introduction to Scrivener 3
- Where Did it Go?
- What’s Changed?
- What’s New?
I wrote a blog post more than three years ago when Mac users faced the jump from Scrivener 2 to 3 and recall that one of the frustrations was finding where things are. (It’s encouraging to note that I soon got used to the new interface.)
Other online Windows support from the experts
Unfortunately, Karen Prince’s course for Scrivener 3 is not available yet. I wrote to Karen and she explained: She’d been busy creating her templates course.
Plus L&L specifically asked course creators to hold off until the software was officially launched so she is starting from scratch. There will be a book and a video course for Windows users – but not just yet. Hers are always good, so watch this space.
Udemy, who usually have courses to offer are also showing a blank, but watch this space.
Windows support via books
If you prefer to learn from a book, there’s a lot recommended on Literature & Latte’s site. These are written by authors who have sought endorsement from Literature & Latte. One that seems to be prominent is by Kirk McElhearn.
It’s also available via Take Control Books.
There are other books though, published by experienced users of Scrivener, which might also be suitable.
For example, Robert Roughton has recently published his Scrivener 3 for Windows: From beginner to published author
and Mary Crawford has also published her An Everyday Guide to Scrivener 3 For Windows.
You pays your money; you takes your choice!
Windows support via social media
While Mac users post questions in the Scrivener MacHeads Facebook group, Windows user have two Facebook groups: Scrivener for Windows and Scrivener Webinars and Tips for Windows.
Or there’s the Scrivener Users Facebook group where both platforms are supported.
Wherever you post a question, there are plenty of helpful Scrivener users keen to help.
Questions? Need a helping hand? Want a demo?
To discuss how best to use Scrivener, or to ask any questions about Scrivener features, book a Simply Scrivener Special.
To help me to prepare, you could also complete this short questionnaire.
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