Scrivener Advent Calendar: S is for …
S is for … Snapshots
I could’ve created an entire advent calendar for the 24 ‘S’ topics listed in the Index of Scrivener Posts (maybe I’ll do that next year?), so I really am spoilt for choice today. And, while I feel some topics are mega important (like Searching and Section layouts/types and Split screens and …), today, it’s Snapshots, not least because yesterday was all about Revision Mode.
Using snapshots involves some of those essential executive functions.
- The ability to anticipate what’s coming up and make plans accordingly – see also number 8, flexibility!
- The ability to organise – thoughts, ideas, the scenes/chapters of my novels, …
- Reliability – doing what we agreed when we said it would be done (or earlier!)
- Getting up and getting on with the work – ie self motivation
- Managing our time to achieve the best results
- Paying attention to detail (quality …)
- Remembering stuff that’s important
- Flexibility – willingness to make changes in our plans or our approach
- Determination – ability to keep going
- Willingness to reflect on our own contribution to the team (and learn from it)
Scrivener gem
While editors, like me, use Scrivener to provide editing services and their author clients enjoy receiving feedback in Scrivener (from editors like me!), there will always be a need for a TrackChanges view of what editing has been done, and by whom.
Word is not the only software offering a TrackChanges facility. Scrivener’s snapshot feature provides the same insight into progress made to date.
If you have time today, read this blog post. If not, make a note to come back to this post another day.
Questions about Scrivener?
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And, if you need a steer on self-editing,
check out my RedPen Editing courses.
Join RedPen Editing for a free 5-day editing taster course.
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